KBP's Reversor

About this effect:

This nifty (?) piece of code splits up it's input into same-sized chunks like this:

... | 1a | 1b | 2a | 2b | 3a | 3b | ...

where 1a + 1b are the two halves of chunk 1. Then it replays all those chunks backwards crossfading them like this (remember, they are played BACKWARDS!):

Fade in : ... | 2a | 2b | 3a | ...
Fade out: ... | 1a | 1b | 2a | ...
This means that after chunk-half n fading in chunk-half (n-1) will be faded out thus perfectly connecting them - resulting in a smooth sound. The only clicks you'll experience (hopefully!) are fast attacks in the input stream played backwards, but that's nothing I could do anything against...


Name Description
Chunk size (ms) These three attributes specify the length of a chunk in either ms, ticks or 256ths of ticks, the first value different from 0 will be used (top to bottom). Ticks (and thus the chunk size) are always (and only) calculated when these attributes are changed, so you might have troubles if the BMP/TPB values change in your track... (Hint: try out VERY low values for nice FX!)
Chunk size (ticks)
Chunk size (1/256 ticks)


Name Description
Dry out Level of the original signal passed through.
Wet out Level of the signal that has been tampered with.
Sync (in Pattern Editor only) Tick this to make the effect -violently- restart a chunk half thus syncing it somewhat... This normally will be needed only once (at the sequencer's start line), but helps a lot while editing if used frequently.

Revision history:

Version Comments
R1 Initial release (duh...)

A word from the author:

Please don't send me cash if you dig this - send it to Mr. O or Geonik instead.

In case you do dig this, keep an eye on


or mail me...